Title: The Pentrals
Author: Crystal Mack
Series: The Pentrals #1
Publisher: Apologue Entertainment
Publication Date: November 12, 2013
Format: ARC
Genre: YA, Sci-Fy, Fantasy, Mystery
Picture your life without free will.
No choice. No voice. No personal direction.
For 17 years, it’s the only path I’ve known. Always a follower, never in control, I am an afterthought, burying my impulses as I bend to the whims of another. I dream of someone taking notice-of falling in love and being kissed. But I probably never will.
My name is Antares. I am a Shadow.
Deep in a secluded canyon lies Talline, a metropolis of mirrors filled with forces called Pentrals that outline our very existence. Antares, Pentral Class Two, took an oath to act without influence—to echo without opinion. But in a cruel twist of fate, she must watch as Violet, her person, encounters a tragedy that will change both their lives forever. When Violet starts making careless choices, Antares can no longer remain a silent silhouette. She won’t allow lost friendships, broken hearts, or those mysterious menaces looking out from the glass to tear apart Violet’s very being. In doing so, Antares unknowingly crosses forbidden boundaries and ends up illuminating a darkness much deeper than her own.
My Thoughts and Reflection:
Let me just say that I fell completely in love with this book, from the very beginning. The premise is entirely intriguing, an I immediately fell into the concepts of the shadows and classes of Pentrals. All of that information was fed evenly yet quickly in the beginnings of the book. It was very well done. When relationship (although that isn’t quite what it is) between Violet and Antares is introduced, Antares’ character really starts to build as you can feel her emotional attachment and concern for her “person”. Violet’s complicated life and exterior relationships are also well introduced into the story.
After the “Switch” Antares’ character really begins to manifest, because she struggles with deciding to either do the right thing, or to act as Violet would really begin to act. As all of this is getting introduced, the world building and overall plot problems begin to show. As soon as we realize the problem with the Pentrals in the mirrors the rest of the story begins to fall into place, although not quite. I would say that there are quite a few surprises towards the end that surprised me, and please me. The end managed to wrap up the story just enough, but leave me craving so much more. I cannot wait for the sequel and other following books. Overall, this book impressed me and I have fallen in love with Crystal Mack’s beautiful words.