Hey! Jasmine over at Flip That Page created this Bookish Survey, one that is all about casting a Harry Potter Spell on a Book! Here’s the link to her original post about it: link.
Fixes Damaged Objects
Book that needs serious fixing: Halo (Halo #1) by Alexandra Adornetto. I really wanted to love this book but, no. There was so much focused on the the relationship, and it just got boring. There was no exciting battles or anything like with the successful Unearthly Series by Cynthia Hand (also about angels). The Unearthly series is relationship centered, but it had enough other characters and additional plot to balance it out. Halo had none of that. If it could thicken up it’s plot without copying Unearthly I would be much happier. On a side note, why are there no paranormal books with a side romance? Does it have to be Paranormal-Romance?
Creates a Narrow Beam of Light
Book That Deserves More Attention: The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder. Imagine The Fault in Our Stars but WAAYYYYY less romance centered. (Not to say there isn’t any romance…) I found that Wunder’s writing was witty and funny. Very funny.
Counters the Effects of Lumos
An Over Hyped Book: This is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith. This book was annoying, cliché, and the idea is WAYYYYYY overdone. Nothing about this book is special besides it’s pretty cover, which I will admit, is pretty amazing. DON’T LET THAT FOOL YOU!
Summons an Object From a Significant Distance
A Book That I’m Anticipating: Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige. I love everything The Wizard of Oz, so when I read the blurb for this book I was just dying to get my hands on it!!!!! It’s not out until April! Ugh.
Expecto Patronum:
Conjures an Incarnation of Positive Feelings
A book that made me cry*: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Are there even words? **Note that many books make me cry. TFIOS was a close second.
Conjures the Dark Mark
A Book That I’ve Marked as a Favorite: The Girl With the Borrowed Wings by Rinsai Rossetti. This book is one of my favorites because it was just so touching and utterly magical. It is definitely the most unique paranormal romance that I’ve ever read.
Petrificus Totalus:
Petrifies Victum
A Book I Wish to Keep Forever: The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie (The Ashbury/Brookfield #3) by Jacyln Moriarty. Bindy Mackenzie remains one of my favorite characters ever and her story is so amazingly intricate.
Shield Charm
An Intimidating Book That I Keep Putting Off: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. Have you seen this book? It’s ginormous! I’ll read it eventually, but it will take me a while to gain the confidence. *Hides head behind friendly book*
Used Against Boggart
A book with a deceiving synopsis: Until It Hurts to Stop by Jennifer R. Hubbard. The synopsis of this book implied that it would focus on Maggie facing her middle school bully Raleigh. In reality, the book focused very little on this, and more on Maggie’s relationship with her friend Nick.
Lacarnum Inflamarae:
Shoots Fireballs
A Book That I Wish to Burn Out of my Mind Completely: The Big Crunch by Pete Huteman. I hated the characters in this book. They brought all of the problems onto themselves, making it unbearable to read.
Wingardium Leviosa:
Levitates Objects
A Book That I Wish to Re-read: The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. The movie is coming out this summer and just aslkdjgpoaij;kjs;faosr.
Avada Kedavra
Causes Instant Death
Worst Book EVER: The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. I don’t even want to talk about his book. Ugh.
Puts Victim in Unconscious State
A Book With a Chapter That I Couldn’t Get Over: Allegiant by Veronica Roth Chapter
Causes Befuddlement or Forgetfulness
A Book That Generally Confused Me: Matched by Ally Condie. This book had an awkward love triangle and utterly confusing world building. Not my cup of tea.
Inflicts Unbearable Pain:
A Book That Was a Pain to Read: Rules for Secret Keeping by Lauren Barnholdt. This book had way too many plot lines that never got solved. Ick.
Heals Relatively Minor Injuries
A Feel Good Book That I Enjoyed: The Wedding Planner’s Daughter (The Wedding Planner’s Daughter #1) by Colleen Murtagh Paratore. Just a cutesy Middle Grade read. Nothing Special.
Temporarily Disarms Opponent
A Book With Swoon Worthy Characters: Tiger’s Curse (The Tiger Saga #1) by Colleen Houck. Ren is just fantastic, and *spoiler* have you met his twin brother?
Impedes Targets Progress
A Book That Kept Me Up All Night Reading: Paper Towns by John Green. For some reason this book felt more intense than John Green’s other books. Maybe it was the possibility of self inflicted death that freaked me out. This book was more of a thriller than John Green’s other work.
Immediate Silencing
A Book That Left Me Speechless After I Finished It: Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan. The entire book was so intense, and then the epilogue. I was left so hollow inside, and thus was silent.
Allows You to Delve Into Someones’s Mind
A Book With Well Developed Characters: The Ghosts of Ashbury High (Asbury/Brookfield #4). This book focuses on a fairly large group of characters, but I was able to feel connected to all of them.
A Spell That Turns You Upside Down
A Book That Changed My Mind About A Character From It’s Prequel: The Rise of Scourge by Erin Hunter (technically a manga). This book changed my POV on Scourge, who is mostly featured in The Darkest Hour (Warriors #6) by Erin Hunter. His evil was explained, but not excused.
Used to Hide Memories
A Book With a Story That I Can’t Remember: Perfect by Natasha Friend. I know that I liked this book and the rest of the books in this “sort of” series, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what this one was about.
Peskipiksi Pesternomi
Useless Spell
A Book That Had Absolutely No Effect On Me: In A Heartbeat by Loretta Ellsworth. This book was about a girl who gets a heart transplant, but it was too short and had practically no character development. Boring!
Breaks Through Solid Objects:
A Book That Convinced You to Reconsider a Certain Genre: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Harry Potter #1) by J. K. Rowling. I had never liked Fantasy very much, (Excluding A Wrinkle In Time and The Chronicles of Narnia). This book opened up the genre for me, and I haven’t left it since. Magic!
Tickling Spell
A Book That Made Me Laugh: The Year of Secret Assignments (Ashbury/Brookfield #2) by Jacyln Moriarty. The characters and relationships are just wonderful in this book. The situations that they find themselves in, now they made me laugh.
Offensive Spell That Violently Wounds the Target
A Book That Scarred Me for Life: Stolen: A Letter to My Capotor by Lucy Christopher. You might be able to get the gist from the title, but lets just say that there were some unnerving scenes…
Makes You Dance Uncontrollably
A Book That Made me Feel Giddy: Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer. Everything in this book, the characters, the setting, the plot. MOST IMPRESSIVE SEQUEL EVER!!!
Bombarda Maxima:
Causes an Explosion that Breaks Through Obstacles
A Book That Made Me Explode With the Feels: Looking For Alaska by John Green. The amazing thing about this book is that the feels came smack dab in the middle, and not at the end! I had to keep reading.
Finite Incantatem:
Nullifies Other Spells
A Book That I Thought I’d Dislike, but I Ended Up Loving: Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone by Kat Rosenfield. This book sort of turned me on to the more gritty thrillers and horror in YA.
And I’m done! That was a long post to type up! I hope that you enjoyed it!!
Au Revior,