Hi all! Sorry for this ginormous post coming up, especially after my last one! 🙂
I’m going to start off the the “Just the Charms Tag”.
“Just the Charms Tag” is an original tag created by Youtuber JakesTea. (That’s the link directly to the Tag!) Anyway, because it was originally formatted for Youtubers, Gabrielle at I Am Fandom altered the tag a bit to make it more blog friendly.
Anyway, here we go…
What does your username/blog title mean?
“Books In Her Head” has always had a double meaning for me. First it means that obviously after I read a book I analyze it and it often stays with me for days to weeks. It also, however, refers in part to my love for writing, and how I always have future books swirling around in my head.
What is the best Star Wars film?
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope is hands down, the best. Out of the three prequel films, Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith is my favorite.
What is your blogging set-up? What you do to make your blogposts?
I don’t have much of a blogging set up per se. I usually have the general idea for each of my blog posts set up several days in advance, but most of the time they aren’t typed up until the day that they are posted. Sometimes I manage to get really far ahead, but that isn’t very often. I use Goodreads for the cover and blurb, as well as publisher information. I get most of my books from either the library or buying them myself, although I do occasionally win some contests!
What is your favorite type of pizza?
A thin crust margarita pizza with tomato slices, chopped basil, and homemade italian sauce. Top it all off with fresh pieces of mozzarella.
What does the blogging community mean to you?
The Book Blogging community means a lot to me! It’s fascinating that people of different ages, genders, ethnicity, and nationalities can get together and share their passion for books. I’ve gotten so many opportunities to get to know great people through book blogging, and I plan to do it continuing in the future.
Who inspires you?
The work of John Green, Marissa Meyer, Lauren Oliver, J.K. Rowling and Jacylyn Moriarty inspires and influences my writing.
Hank Green inspires me to want to never stop learning.
Burdgebug and Vira inspire me to draw more fan art.
My family inspires me to be hardworking and chase after my dreams.
My friends inspire me to always find the happy, silly moments, and to never let a bad day get you down.
Most of all, my amazing future inspires me. All the possibilities of what’s to come make me want to succeed in the moment.
How often do you tell the people around you, you love them?
I think that love is a precious word, however it can never be overused when sharing your feelings about important people, things, passions, and BOOKS in your life! 🙂 I try and let the people that I love know that I love them whenever we won’t see each other for period of time, because I would never forgive myself if something happened and it hadn’t been one of the last things that I had said to them.
Anyway, I’m supposed to tag as many people as I want, so I’ll tag:
Emma @ Spun With Words
Debby @ Snuggly Oranges
Now onto my Waiting On Wednesday!
“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where book bloggers can share and talk about books that have not been released yet.
This week I’m waiting for:
This Star Won’t Go Out: The Life and Words of Esther Grace Earl
by Esther Earl with Lori and Wayne Earl
A collection of the journals, fiction, letters, and sketches of the late Esther Grace Earl, who passed away in 2010 at the age of 16. Photographs and essays by family and friends will help to tell Esther’s story along with an introduction by award-winning author John Green who dedicated his #1 bestselling novel The Fault in Our Stars to her.