Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week’s Top Ten is “Top Ten Reasons That I Love Being a Reader/Book Blogger”.
Five Reasons Why I love Being a Reader:
1. Reading is Magical
The fact that twenty six letters can form words and sentences that take me to different worlds is fascinating and a blessing.
2. I Love Books
Being a reader isn’t necessarily about reading books, but that’s what people usually assume. I, do love books, so it works out for me. And I love books a lot.
3. Reading Has Always Been There For Me
I’m a pretty introverted person, but there are times when friends have abandoned me and I’m lonely. In those situations, I could always find companion ship in a book.
4. Reading Brings me Knowledge
I have learned so many things from reading. Not just vocabulary, but also things about places that I’ve never been, about people that I’ve never met. I’ve also learned different social skills and honestly, how to be a better writer myself.
5. Feeling Connections to the Characters
I would say that the most meaningful stories are the ones where you can connect to the characters. When you know how they are feeling, because you’ve felt it too. Suddenly these made up people are just as real and valid as you are, and that is extraordinary.
Five Reasons Why I Love Being a Blogger:
1. Talking About Books is Fun
And my family gets sick of it! So now I talk about books on my blog, and to my family! 🙂
2. The Blogsphere is Fun
Discovering new books, reading well written content, and having discussions is just the beginning to what the blogsphere brings.
3. Creating Content is Satisfying
Personally, I put a lot of effort into all of my posts, not just the reviews. Creating graphics and additional posts is handwork, but totally worth it.
4. ARCs
There definitely is a thrill to getting a book before it is released. I would almost describe it as being part of an “in” crowd, and you kind of are.
5. Readership/Comments
Knowing that someone is reading and enjoying what you spent time on is really nice. I write because I want to, but to think that someone likes reading my ramblings is a run feeling.