Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week’s Top Ten is “Top Ten Books on My Spring TBR List”.
I. My Long Awaited Release
I’m a huge fan of Lauren Oliver and am super excited about her newest book! The premise is really interesting and I need to get my hands on a copy.
II. The Book With All the Hype
The Winners Curse has gotten a lot of hype lately, so why not? I think that I can follow a t least a little trending. 😀
III. The Book That I Don’t Want to Finish
So far, I have adored Marissa Meyer’s The Lunar Chronicles. I have had a copy since the day it was released; I even got it signed! I have just been avoiding really reading it, because as soon as it’s over I have to wait a year for Winter. But putting it off is ridiculous because I’ve heard only good things, mostly that it’s even better than Scarlet. And I thought that Scarlet was one of the most impressive sequels ever. I better get a move on, huh?
IV. The Book With the Amazing Cover
‘Nuff said.
V. The Book That’s Been on My Shelf Since Last Summer
Yeah, I have a bad habit of buying books and not reading them right away. So I’m going to try and work on that.
VI. Book That I Saw Months Ago on a Publisher’s Catalog
I’ve been waiting!!!!!!
VII. Book That Snuck It’s Way Home From the Library
It just jumped onto the scanner and into my bag I swear!
VIII. Book That My Friends Have Reviewed Highly
And isn’t the cover just gorgeous!!!
IX. Book That I Requested From the Library a Long Time Ago and Now Finally is In My Hands
I honestly don’t even remember what it was about! Let’s see!
X. Because the Premise is Adorable
No other words.
In Other News:
I DNF’d Cinder’s and Sapphires. I was sooooo bored. I’m kind of bummed, though. It’s not that often that I DNF books.