Hey everyone! April is about to start, and it is going to be full of lots of writing! This month I hope to participate in both NaPoWriMo (National Poem Writing Month) and Camp NaNoWriMo (the April version of National Novel Writing Month).
So this month, I will be writing at least one poem a day, for thirty days. Every week I will do a post and share the highlight poems with you all! I really enjoy free verse poetry, so that Ill be primarily what my poems will be. Although I do like experimenting, so who knows?
Camp NaNoWriMo:
I participated in NaNoWriMo last November and was really unhappy with what I ended up with. I felt super rushed, and didn’t have enough time to develop my characters or anything. So with this opportunity to try again before the “Big November” challenge, I want to write 50,000 words worth of short stories. Then in July, during the second installment of Camp NaNoWriMo I will hopefully take one of my short stories and expand on it into a novel, and do the same thing with a different idea in November. I’m not sure that it will work out that perfectly, but It’s always nice to dream! Haha!
All in all, April will be full of lots of poetry and writing, my brain will need a bit of break in May, I bet, but then I’ll start revisions *devil face* and gathering/organizing ideas for July and November!
In Other News
This is somewhat related news, haha. I’ve always been a journaler, but this year I completed quite the feat. I filled an entire journal in three months. That’s pretty much a record for myself. (Now granted, I never use the same kind of journal, so the length and page size differ. I also don’t just write in them, I draw, put pictures, ect.) But still!
I’m about to start my new journal, which I bought at an adorable local writing store. Its yellow and has these adorable typewriters all over the cover! I might share pictures sometime!