Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
This week’s Top Ten is “Top Ten “Gateway” Books/Authors In My Reading Journey”
1. Dr. Seuss
I have the strongest memory of my father reading me all of the Dr. Seuss books, using different voices for all of the characters! Those were the books that made me fall in love with books.
2. Nancy Drew
My grandmother and I read the first couple of these books together over the course of several of her visits. The Mystery at Lilac Inn remains one of my favorite mysteries ever. I also now collect vintage copies of the Nancy Drew books!
3. Sharon Creech
When I was in third and fourth grade I devoured every single book that Sharon Creech had written, up to date. I adored her writing style and relatable characters. Today, I still love the book Chasing Redbird and can fall into the story anytime I pick it up.
4. Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff
This was a book that I really connected to as a kid. I loved the story and the fact that the protagonist was this amazing artist. I remember so distinctly her talking about colored pencils and the different names that the colors had. Haha.
5. Wendy Mass
I freaking adored Wendy Mass’s books, particularly 11 Birthdays. I know that I tend to bring this book up a lot when I talk about books from my childhood, but it is just so amazing! My copy is falling apart, and for some reason, I loved those characters. I’m also a fan of a lot of Wendy’s other books, my second favorite probably being A Mango Shaped Space followed by The Candymakers.
6. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
I picked this up at my local indie bookstore when I was in early Middle School. It was probably my very first real YA book, and introduced me to not only to paranormal romance, but to the entire YA genre. I’m still a fan of the book and author, (although not so much on the sequels).
7. The Murder of Bindy Mackenzie
(and the entire Ashbury/Brookfield series by Jacyln Moriarty)
This was the first book that I read that prompted me to write to an author. I know, most kids write to lots of authors, but I was honestly a little afraid as a kid. Afraid that they wouldn’t reply because they were too busy. But when I email Jaclyn, I received the sweetest and most genuine note in return. I love this series, and this book is amazing. Bindy Mackenzie is one of my favorite characters of all time.
8. The Probability of Miracles by Wendy Wunder
This was the first book that I read about true pain. The protagonist in this book is suffering from cancer, and is facing the last few months of her life, in a pretty negative. The journey and amount growth that occur in this book is beautiful.
9. John Green
I’ve never been one to shy away from my neediness, but John Green was the first person to introduce to me this community of other nerds! Haha. I adore proudly holding up the nerdfighter sign and participating in nerfighteria events. John Green also takes a place as one of my favorite contemporary authors. Looking For Alaska remains one of my favorite books of all time.
10. Marisa Meyer
Marisa Meyer is the first author that I got to personally meet, and get my books signed. I’ve actually met Marisa multiple times, gotten my books signed at numerous different signings, and corresponded with her via email. She is one of the sweetest and most genuine people that I know. Her books are also absolutely fabulous. The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite series ever; it combines Sci-Fy and Fantasy in a wonderful way. Scarlet remains the most impressive sequel that I have ever read to date! 🙂
So that’s it, 10 Gateway Books and Authors in my reading journey. Honestly, it was a little hard to pick just ten, but I think that I picked the ten most important ones. 🙂