Hi everyone! This year I am excited to be participating in Armchair BEA which is a virtual version of BEA (Book Expo America), designed for book bloggers who, for some reason or another, are unable to attend the actual BEA.
Today’s topics are as follows:
Author Interaction:
I think that my first glimpse at author interaction was as a kid watching interviews of some of my favorite authors online. Next I think was even discovering their websites, which is where I first came to realize that I could CONTACT these authors.
When I was twelve I emailed my favorite author at the time, Jaclyn Moriarty. The email mainly focused on my love for a certain book in the series, and low and behold, a couple weeks later she emailed me back!!!! She was incredibly excited to know that that particular book was my favorite, because so many people have a hard time relating to the protagonist. I just about died because she even acknowledged me!!
Although, I have numerous signed books, I haven’t actually been to that many book signings. However, this year I got to meet Marissa Meyer, (The Lunar Chronicles) and while at first we chatted via email we eventually go to meet in person and it was sooooo wonderful! She was the most genuine person and it was so cool to see her innocent excitement about her books.
Just yesterday I tweeted Katherine Ewell about being excited and spooked after finishing her novel Dear Killer, and later she favorited the tweet. I almost died. I guess that’s not a big deal to some people, but haha, to meeee…
More Than Just Words:
I’m pretty sure that the target of this prompt was to talk about graphic novels and comics, and while yes, I am a huge fan of both of those things and think that they should be more widespread in YA lit, I’m going to take this in a different direction and talk about music.
Yes, I know music. When I listen to a song, and as I think many of you would agree, it’s usually to catchy beat, or tone of the music that grabs your first. I often find that after listening to a song a lot, after looking up the lyrics I appreciate it more. I almost consider the music the hook to a song, and then the words are the actual content. Not to say that I don’t appreciate songs without words, because I think that they are perfectly refreshing and often times help me focus.
Anyway, I’d like to think that songs are more than just the lyrics. The lyrics are the poetry, but the music, the ebb and flow of the song, is what really makes it magical.