I’ve toyed around with creating a monthly recap feature for the blog, but was finally inspired today by Cee’s Recap to make a feature of my own. I will probably be messing around with the logo, the layout, and exactly what I share in this feature, but I suppose that you’ll enjoy coming on this little adventure with me, and see where it takes us. Haha
Overall, June has been a busy month:
- Graduation happened.
- Summer
I think that those really summarize what June was in a nutshell for me. Now I’ll get down to the details for me.
- I read 12 books in June
- I didn’t buy any new books, but I did borrow a large stack from a friend.
- Favorite book of the month:
- T.V. wise I’ve been exclusively watching Vampire Diaries and I don’t know why I like it so much. I think now I’m just too invested in the characters to stop. I’m only season three so no spoilers please! 🙂
- Movies, umm well, here is my post about TFIOS and it includes a movie review sort of. I also saw 22 Jump Street with my brother. It was funny, but nothing special. Haha
- Music, huh, okay I finally bought music after months of using Pandora and Youtube. I’m pretty proud of myself. I also discovered 8Tracks, this awesome site where people create playlists and you can listen to them. You sort of set filters on what you’re in the mood for and the site will recommend a playlist. I like it a lot better than Soundcloud, which I know my brother is huge fan of.
Blogging and Other Media:
My Blog Posts:
Other Posts I Enjoyed:
PolandBananasBooks Guide to Contemporary (and her video on popularity)
Normally I would be much more on top of other news in the blogesphere and YA genre in general, but my move sort of has me in a tailspin. All I can tell you is that there has been a TON of hype for We Were Liars by E. Lockhart.
July Goals:
I didn’t really have any real goals for June besides read a lot and make sure to not slack on blog posts admits my crazy life. Here are my more concrete goals for July:
- Participate in Camp NaNoWrMo, my own way (I always feel pressured by NaNoWriMo and always give up halfway through because I struggle sticking with a longer story. My goal for this Camp is to write around 1500 words daily, whether it be in poetry, short story, or the revisions of some of my past work).
- Finish my summer reading for school.
- 20 total books in July
- Starting knitting my friend and myself Weasly Sweaters
- Everyone has been raving about Blogilates, so I figure, why not?
- I’m taking my first Bikram Yoga class on Wednesday, I hope to try to do more!
- I also am making a commitment to go on runs with my dad every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Well, there goes my first monthly Recap. I hope that it’s a feature that sticks! 😀