Well, this is my second monthly recap ever, so I’ll still be working out more kinks. July was more of a relaxing month for me. I went on vacation, had a ton of fun!
- I read 18 books in July, just two short of my goal.
- I spent A LOT of time at the library
- I became reacquainted and renewed my obsession for the Morning Glories comic books
- I saw HTTYD2 and Dawn of The Planet of the Apes, both of which were absolutely amazing!!!
- Favorite Book This Month:
- T.V. wise, I have officially watched all of the seasons of Law & Order: SVU on Netflix (not all in one month though!!)
- 8Tracks is seriously my life. Lots of Arctic Monkeys and Portugal the Man this month
Blogging and Other Media:
My Blog Posts:
Other Posts I Enjoyed:
It’s Way Past My Bedtime’s Cover of Royals (This is sort of old, but I still like to listen to it)
July’s Goals:
Ummm… this is going to be embarrassing:
- Participate in Camp NaNoWrMo, my own way (I always feel pressured by NaNoWriMo and always give up halfway through because I struggle sticking with a longer story. My goal for this Camp is to write around 1500 words daily, whether it be in poetry, short story, or the revisions of some of my past work). Yeah, this didn’t happen at all. I instead opted to try and respond to at least a prompt or two a day.
- Finish my summer reading for school. Ugh, I’m so close.
- 20 total books in July Two books off
- Starting knitting my friend and myself Weasly Sweaters No, BUT I did buy the yarn and needles and set up my lesson for this week, so this counts.
- Everyone has been raving about Blogilates, so I figure, why not?Nope, not for me
- I’m taking my first Bikram Yoga class on Wednesday, I hope to try to do more! I missed that class and never got around to going to a different one, so no.
- I also am making a commitment to go on runs with my dad every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Noooooo.
Wow, clearly that was just disappointing.
Goals for August:
- Make friends at my new school (Don’t be so shy)
- Start seriously planning my switch from Blogger to WordPress
- 20 total books in August
- Make progress on my Weasly Sweaters
- Make an Instagram for the blog and post book pictures
- Make some $$$$
- Write to a couple prompts a day
- Start singing and playing piano again
- Draw!!! (A Captain America doodle is still lurking in my mind)
- Comment More on Other Blogs (Again, don’t be so shy)
- Post Some More Discussions
Hopefully I don’t fail as much at these! Where’s the laughing-so-hard-you’re-crying emoji when I need it?