As you may have noticed, I have recently moved my blog from Blogger to WordPress! I’m so excited about the new look. I bought this wonderful theme Nectar from Adam at Bottomless Design, and designed my new logo myself. In the next few weeks I’ll be working out the kinks in my design, as well as getting used to WordPress’ format, so forgive me if things don’t look perfect.
As for my goals, I’ll be working on reformatting all my old posts (which is a lot)! and keeping up with my blog schedule as school starts.
Now for the big unveiling.
Many of you probably followed me at my previous location, but while I was there, I kept a secret. My name isn’t really Remy, or Remy Blu. My name is actually Mary. Remy was the pseudonym that I decided to use when I was first blogging, but now that I’m on a new site I figured it was as good a time as any to spill the beans. Lol