Title: The Selection Stories: The Prince & The Guard
Author: Kiera Cass
Series: The Selection 0.5 and 2.5
Publisher: Harper Teen
Publication Date: February 4th, 2014
Format: Paperback
Source: Library
Genre: YA; Romance; Dystopian
Before America arrived at the palace to compete in the Selection, there was another girl in Prince Maxon’s life. The Prince opens the week before the Selection begins and follows Maxon through the first day of the competition.
Raised as a Six, Aspen Leger never dreamed that he would find himself living in the palace as a member of the royal guard. In The Guard, readers get an inside look at Aspen’s life within the palace walls—and the truth about a guard’s world that America will never know.
*This review may contain spoilers for The Selection and The Elite.
I recently got around to reading the final book in the trilogy, The One, sometime last week. However, recently it was announced on Epic Reads that there will be two more books in the series. The next coming title is The Heir and it will be released May 5th, 2015, and the 5th book is untitled and has no set release date yet. Also, a second Selection Stories book is expected to be published March 3rd 2015 titled The Selection Stories: The Queen and The Favorite featuring The Selection 0.4 and 2.6 novellas. Also, an Epilogue to The One is available here along with the first three chapters to The Queen.
I read this book in one evening. They are just two short novellas, both under 10 chapters. They give an interesting glimpse into Maxon and Aspen’s lives. There is no particular build up within them, just more of Cass’s conversational writing. Although I enjoyed the extra bits, it didn’t feel like anything new. They didn’t move the stories along in anyway, they didn’t provoke any thoughts that I was having about the characters. They were complete fluff, and while it’s okay (sometimes you do need a little something while waiting for the next release) it is unnecessary for the series as a whole. I recommend this book to anyone who is craving more from the series while we await these next two books, but don’t expect any big surprises.
Dust Jacket Ramblings:
This cover fits with the overall series theme. Even though I don’t like models on book covers, it works for this series (but imagine how much prettier they would be with silhouettes of girls in dresses?), and this cover fits in nicely. I don’t like the fake sticker that can’t come off (“Includes a sneak peek at The One and more!) but that’s just a bookish pet peeve of mine.