This month has mostly consisted with the start of school again, sigh. Oh and my blog moved, not like that’s a big deal or anything.
- I read 10 books in July, which is sort of sad considering that it was half of my goal. I think that I probably overestimated my ability to read during all of the hecticness that happens at the beginning of the school year.
- I spent a lot of time at the library, mostly the one at school
- I saw Boyhood and The Giver. Boyhood was mesmerizing, even though it was long and my mom complained. The Giver perfectly captured the feel of the book even though it changed somethings. Gahhhh I was so happy.
- Favorite Book This Month:
- T.V. wise, thank god for Netflix! I’ve been watching a little bit more T.V. than I usually do because I knit while I watch T.V. and I’ve made a ton, and I mean a ton of progress on my Weasly Sweater
- My T.V. adventures mostly consisted of Criminal Minds, Doctor Who, and Vampire Diaries
- This month Taylor Swifts new song came out Shake it Off and I am so in love and dying to get my hands on her new album. Why do I have to wait until October?
Blogging and Other Media:
Blog Update Hysteria Review Top Ten Books I’m Not Sure I Want to Read Wintergirls Review The Selection Stories A Mad Wicked Folly Review
Oh by the way I was interviewed by the lovely ladies at Lit-Up Review. You can read that interview here
Other Posts I Enjoyed:
Debby’s Post About Blogging with Twitter
Cee’s Post About Book Covers With Maps It Was Lovely Reading To You’s Discussion About Book Hauls
Willa’s Review of Love Is a Drug
Amber’s Post About Battling Blogging Envy
August’s Goals:
Make friends at my new school (Don’t be so shy)(I’ve been doing pretty well, we’ll see)Start seriously planning my switch from Blogger to WordPress(Well, my blog is FULLY moved, so I’d say that I totally checked this off my list!)- 20 total books in August (Yeah, ummm no)
Make progress on my Weasly Sweaters(My Weasly sweater is looking freaking awesome!)- Make an Instagram for the blog and post book pictures (Nope, this will probably happen around Winter Break)
Make some $$$$(Yasssss)Write to a coupleprompts a day (I did this a little, but then got distracted by a story…)Start singing and playing piano again(Singing yes, and my piano is being delivered this week so yes for that too! :D)Draw!!! (A Captain America doodle is still lurking in my mind)(While that Captain America doodle is no longer in my mind I haven’t been drawing free hand as much as I’d like too. I’ve been working a lot on my pieces for my design class.)- Comment More on Other Blogs (Again, don’t be so shy) (Nope, that is just so hard. But I do have more of a presence on Twitter! Yay)
- Post Some More Discussions (No, but I do have some planned for this month).
September’s Goals:
- Find some friends that I have things in common with
- Read 15 books in September
- Finish the blue part of my Weasly Sweater
- Work on my story or write to a prompt daily
- Make some more $$$$
- Start playing piano again and find a new teacher
- Draw more fan art and other things, watch some tutorials online
- Post More Discussions
- Plan More Blog Posts/Prewrite more
- See the If I Stay movie
- Keep Up Presence on Twitter
- Take some pictures
I’m so excited for Autumn! Hopefully the heat will end and this will be a good month.