Well, reflecting on September all I can think about is school, school, and more school. My brains are spilling out.
-I read 9 books in September. Gahhhh that is so bad. I miss reading! 🙁
-I’ve been spending some time at this new local bookstore that I’m going to be helping out in
-Favorite Book This Month:
-T.V. wise it’s been mostly re-watching the last season of How I met Your Mother and lots of Criminal Minds
-My phone is broken so I haven’t been able to listen to a ton of music this month, but I do love 8tracks. I’ve got some great playlists saved on there.
-Book Haul:
–I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak
–The Bees by Laline Paull
–Conversion by Katherine Howe
–Collected Stories by Gabriel García Márquez
-Say You’re One of Them by Uwem Akpan
-Chronicle of A Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez
I also had the opportunity this month to get my copies of City of Bones and The Coldest Girl In Coldtown signed, along with Cassie and Holly’s new book The Iron Trial.
Blogging and Other Media:
My Posts:
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’ve Only Read Once
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender
Other Posts I enjoyed:
Grace’s Post About Banned Books Week
Cee’s Post About the Many Covers of The Sky is Everywhere
It Was Lovely Reading To You’s Tips and Tricks for Wreck this Journal
September’s Goals
–Find some friends that I have things in common with (I think I’m getting there)
-Read 15 books in September (Nope)
Finish the blue part of my Weasly Sweater (Close, but not quite)
Work on my story or write to a prompt daily
Make some more $$$$
Start playing piano again and find a new teacher (Working on that…)
Draw more fan art and other things, watch some tutorials online
Post More Discussions
Plan More Blog Posts/Prewrite more (Yeah Nooooo)
See the If I Stay movie
Keep Up Presence on Twitter
Take some pictures
October Goals:
-Start re-reading the Harry Potter Series (In Spanish)
-Read 15 books in October
-Have a Happy Birthday!!!!
-Eat lots pumpkin flavored things
-Rock my Halloween costume, (which I should probably come up with…)
-Post more discussions
-Comment on other blogs
-Start Epic Recs with Nikki from The Paper Sea
-Continue working on my Weasley Sweater
-Play the piano some more and SING
-Start some new drawing projects
-Watch some movies
-Start an Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr page for the ol’ blog
-Do some EPIC NaNo planning
-email some publishers
-work more on my writing portfolio
-blog a lot
-Start running again