So, um, October. Yeah Autumn is finally here, and school is a pain in the butt. But books have been good. 😀
- I read 8 books this month. One less than last month. I’m so behind on my Goodreads challenge lol
- Favorite book this month:
- I’ve been spending more time at the local bookstore that I’ve been helping out in, and writing little mini reviews for them! It’s fun.
- T.V. wise I watched an entire season of Carrie Diaries on Netflix while working on my three art projects due in school.
- Music wise…umm Taylor Swift’s new album?!?! I have no time for all of the celebrity drama I just enjoy her music
- Book Haul:
–Ben Trip The Accidental Highwayman by Kit Bristol
Blogging and Other Media:
My Posts:
Waiting on Wednesday: Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Other Posts I Enjoyed:
Cee’s Post About NANOWRIMO2014
It Was Lovely Reading To You’s Post About Bookish Illustrations
Amber’s Post About Why She Doesn’t Participate in Blog Memes
October’s Goals:
–Start re-reading the Harry Potter Series (In Spanish) (I started this, but uhhh, didn’t get very far…)
-Read 15 books in October (Yeah hahah nooooo…)
-Have a Happy Birthday!!!! (I did do this! 😀 My family and friends were very good to me)
–Eat lots pumpkin flavored things (Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, etc).
–Rock my Halloween costume, (which I should probably come up with…) (I think I rocked my cat ears and normal clothes lol)
-Post more discussions (I wasn’t feeling very discussion-y this month, maybe in November?)
-Comment on other blogs (I try)
-Start Epic Recs with Nikki from The Paper Sea (I think that it’s safe to say that Nikki and I had a blast with our first Epic Recs, review to come! We’re so stoked for next month!)
-Continue working on my Weasley Sweater (Guys, guys, I’m starting on the sleeves! :D)
-Play the piano some more and SING (A little)
-Start some new drawing projects (No, but I will this month)
-Watch some movies (I didn’t actually do this, but I love movies! November and December are always big movie months so I’m preparing)
-TAKE SOME BOOK PICTURES (I did this a little… More this next month)
-Start an Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr page for the ol’ blog (One down, two to go)
-Do some EPIC NaNo planning (Lol nope. I’m such a pantser)
-email some publishers (Nope.)
-work more on my writing portfolio
-POETRY ( I submitted a poem to my schools Lit Mag and IT’S GETTING PUBLISHED!)
-blog a lot (Again, I try)
-Start running again
November’s Goals:
-Have a freakin blast at Y’ALL FEST! Hope to see a ton of you all there!
-Read some books, I don’t care how many, just read
-take a crack at Blogilates again
-Work on my Weasly sweater
-Blog a bit
-Write some reviews
-Live life! 😀