Lara at The Paperback Palace tagged me to do the Seven Deadly Sins Tag, for books! Here we go!
What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
This is probably super cliche, but even though I own multiple sets of the Harry Potter series, if I got a set of them I would probably burst into flames. And then put out my own fire with my tears of happiness.
What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?
11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass was my favorite book when I was a kid. My copy is pretty much falling apart, and I know the story by heart.
What is your most inexpensive book?
I’m not sure, I suppose my ARC’s, since I don’t pay for them? Or books that I’ve gotten as gifts?
What characteristics do you find attractive in a male or female character?
For males, I would have to say a personality that is not generic and a background that is realistic. Even if I’m reading a fantasy novel, if I can’t believe the characters histories then I can’t believe the rest of the stories either. But like attractive in , as Laura put it, “I want to have his babies” kind of way (lol) I would have to say boldness, sincerity, and general kindness to inferiors.
For female characters, I like girls that are active in their lives, and whether it be a contemporary book about high school or a deep sci-fy with star battles on distant planets, I like a girl character who takes what she wants. Female characters who can have romantic relationships that don’t take over their entire lives, and platonic relationships that support them in their lives. It helps if they are funny too.
What book do you most talk about to sound like an intellectual reader?
That would probably have to be ol’ To Kill a Mockingbird
And especially this past week with all of the news about Harper Lee’s “sequel” that’s sort of a prequel because she wrote it first, which really makes it the 1st book and TKAM the prequel… Its a whole mess, but its called Go Set a Watchman and its being published July 14, 2015.
What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I’m actually super ashamed of this, but I have never actually finished the Percy Jackson series! Okay don’t kill me, I fully intend to. I own all of them, I just never got past book two!!