I’m so excited to have been nominated by the lovely Klaudia for the Liebster Award 2015. For those of you unfamiliar with the Award, it is simply a blog-love spreading internet award given to blogs who have under 200 followers but other bloggers feel deserve some appreciation. The rules simply state that you give 11 facts about yourself, answer the question that your nominator wrote, write your own questions, and then nominate your fellow bloggers!
11 Random Facts About Me
1. I’m a scorpio
2. My favorite sno cone flavor is Tiger’s Blood
3. I’ve never broken a bone
4. I ran a half marathon when I was 12 years old
5. My cat was named after a book character (Lucy, from The Chronicles of Narnia)
6. I’m a vegetarian

7. My favorite song of all time is “Midnight City” by M83
8. I love Georgia O’Keefe paintings
9. I don’t like pancakes
10. My favorite color is blue
11. I love Harry Potter Fan Art
Klaudia’s Questions:
Favorite bookish quote? “May I suggest that you all read? And often. Believe me, it’s nice to have something to talk about other than the weather and the Queen’s health. Your mind is not a cage. It’s a garden. It requires cultivating.”–Libba Bray A Great and Terrible Beauty
Favorite genre to read? Why? Mystery, because instantly the predictability is taken out of the story, or else no one is going to enjoy the read. And I hate predictability. Mystery is my favorites also because I grew up with things like Nancy Drew and a lot of Scooby Doo episodes. Mysteries have kind of always been my thing.
If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Probably the West Coast, because I recently just moved from there and I’d want to see my friends. If I’m being adventurous I’d say either Norway or Prague.
Favorite TV show? My favorite running T.V. show is Criminal Minds, but my favorite T.V. show ever is BBC’s Merlin.
Top three favorite books? (I was going to say one, but I didn’t want to be cruel) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling, Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson, and Cinder by Marissa Meyer.
Favorite hobby? I guess blogging doesn’t count? Haha then I’d have to say knitting.
Hardcover or paperback? Both? I like to have a pretty hardcover and then a knock around paperback for annotations.
Any reading habits? Well I guess annotating! Also reading a ton of books at once.
Book boyfriends? Frank Porter for Since You’ve Been Gone
Which book broke your heart in half? I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak made me cry so much.
What are your pet peeves? In general? The feeling of get my nails filed, immaturity, and people who are inconsiderate.
My Questions:
1. What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?
2. Chocolate or vanilla?
3. Tatoos, yay or ya?
4. What is your favorite part about your favorite book?
5. What is one book you remember reading as a child?
6. How many of the Harry Potter books have you ever actually read?
7. What’s your favorite number?
8. Twitter or Tumblr?
9. Do you ever watch reality T.V.?
10. What’s one book that everyone has read but you haven’t?
11. What’s one book that you’ve read but no one else has?
I’m tagging:
1. Lara | The Paperback Palace
2. Maddy | Portals Within Pages
3. Ana | Butterflies of The Imagination
4. Marie | Drizzle and Hurricane Books
5. Kaitlin | Next Page Please
6. Bella | Ciao Bella