“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine where bloggers can showcase books that we are eagerly waiting for.
This week I’m waiting for Underneath Everything by Marcy Beller Paul.
October 27th 2015 by Balzer + Bray
Mattie shouldn’t be at the bonfire. She should be finding new maps for her collection, hanging out with Kris, and
steering clear of almost everyone else, especially Jolene. After all, Mattie and Kris dropped off the social scene the summer after sophomore year for a reason.
But now Mattie is a senior, and she’s sick of missing things. So here she is.
And there’s Jolene: Beautiful. Captivating. Just like the stories she wove. Mattie would know; she used to star in them. She and Jolene were best friends. Mattie has the scar on her palm to prove it, and Jolene has everything else, including Hudson.
But when Mattie runs into Hudson and gets a glimpse of what could have been, she decides to take it all back: the boyfriend, the friends, the life she was supposed to live. Problem is, Mattie can’t figure out where Jolene ends and she begins.
Because there’s something Mattie hasn’t told anyone–she walked away from Jolene over a year ago, but she never really left.
Why I’m Waiting:
First off, I love reading debut’s because they are a chance to hear a new author’s voice, which is always so fun. I don’t exactly remember why I put Underneath Everything on my TBR but I do know why I’m featuring it on WOW. I’m a huge fan of mysteries and phycological thrillers. The blurb is hard to grasp, but it does give the vibe of not-everything-is-as-it-seems and some crazy brain drama. Count me in! Also, as always, I do have acknowledge how spectacular this cover is. I might have a subconscious rule not to feature books that I don’t love the covers of. Idk?!? Anyway, I’m SO glad that I only have to wake until October to get my hands on this. 😀