Thanks to The Book Jar for tagging me to do the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers” book tag.
Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog in your post.
Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided.
Nominate ten other bloggers (or up to 10).
Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nominations.
Who is your favorite author and why?
Well, obviously Queen J. K. Rowling. Other than that it’s quite hard to choose but I think today I’ll go with Morgan Matson because I’ve loved all of her books. Although contemporary isn’t always my genre Maton’s books have all snuck onto my favorite’s shelf.
If you could meet any literary character, who would it be?
I would say Dumbledore, for the pure fact that I would want to give him a nice slap in the face for leaving Harry in an abusive home for eleven years. Other than that, probably Neville Longbottom so I could give him a hug and tell him that he is the bravest Gryffindor the house has ever seen.
What book turned movie would you remake?
Oh god, well… there’s quite a few that go totally screwed up, but I think probably Divergent because it made some stuff up, was wayyyy too long, and I’m not a fan of Shaline Woodley. Why? read about her views on feminism.
Who is your favorite literary heroine/hero?
Heroine would have to be Celena, mostly because she is completely bad*** and awesome. Hero is complete cliché but Harry Potter because no one ever picks him as their favorite character and he really is just the sweetest, sassiest, most caring kid.
What is your favorite thing about book blogging?
I think that my favorite thing about blogging is the people and friends that I’ve made through it. I know that its a typical answer but honestly, the friends and experiences that I’ve had through blogging has honestly just enriched my life. That, and the discovery of endless books to date.
If you could hangout with any author for a day, who would it be?
J. K. Rowling. Hands down. There is not only so much that I want to pick her brain about, but also I want to just hug her and thank her for giving me the gift of Harry Potter.
What is your ideal reading spot?
A hamock with a pillow. A soft blanket. Probably by either the ocean or a lake.
What is your favorite movie that was originally a book?
Well, the Harry Potter’s were favorites, (obv) but I was really happy with how the Ender’s Game movie turned out too.
If you could have any book, released or soon to be released, what book would it be?
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What’s your favorite vacation spot?
Either of the coasts, not necessarily the beach, most likely the mountains.
I’m pretty sure that most of my answers for this tag involved Harry Potter. #fail
My Questions:
Do you prefer blue or black ink?
Do you like to browse at bookstores or order and pick up your books?
What backlist title you still want or need to read?
Have you ever considered writing your own book?
Are you more of a standalone or a series reader?
Favorite book quote?
Is there a genre that you turn to the most?
Is there a book to movie adaption where you preferred the movie to the book?
Are you going to read Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee? Why/why not?
Which classic (that you have read) do you think is most applicable today?
I Tag:
Lara | The Paperback Palace
Kaitlin | Next Page Please
Bella | Chic and Petite
Martha | Gremre
And anyone else who wants to do the tag! 😀