autumnal update

Hello! Happy October. Things have been a bit quiet on the blog this fall; it feels as though an update is long overdue. I have some reviews and other posts in the works, but in the mean time we can dive into some more personal matters.

This fall has been a pretty big readjustment for me. My mental health hasn’t been in a great spot as of late, but life has been reshuffled and I feel as though I have some more time now to dedicate to it. Sometimes I forget how much this blog can be an outlet for me; I’d like to turn toward it more as I work to bring more balance into my life. It’s hard not to feel guilty about infrequent postings, but it’s important to remind myself that this is my designated space. Anyways, this is also only my second semester at college so it’s necessary to recognize that there is a lot of truth in how this space here is reshaping my life as well. I feel as though I have really good friends here and that the social opportunities are rather endless. Vermont is also absolutely STUNNING in the fall so that is certainly something I have been enjoying lately. Somehow I’m already planning classes for next semester and applying to study abroad next year–what’s up with that?! I’ve realized that I for some reason imagined college to be a place to really settle into, but in reality it’s a lot more fluid than I imagined. That’s not neccesarily a bad thing, but as someone who likes continuity…well.
hobbies and productivity

Aha! It has been the autumn of embroidery! Well, I may have oversold myself a bit there, BUT here’s the scoop. I road tripped up to college at the end of the summer with my mom and finished my first embroidery hoop since before my gap semester !!! I’ve been coasting on that success and have made some pretty great progress on my newest hoop. This pattern is from LarkRising Embroidery; I love her patterns and am hoping to try out some more in the coming weeks. Listening wise, here are my September and October playlists; I’ve really enjoyed cultivating them. I think monthly playlists has been one of my favorite New Years resolutions. Also, here are the corresponding September and October mood boards. This month I also started listening to The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia whilst on a road trip by myself back up to Vermont form Massachusetts. I am LOVING it so far–hoping to carve out a bit more on an upcoming drive

up to Maine in November. As for my other reads, currently splitting my time between An American Marriage by Tayari Jones and I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t) by Brené Brown.
This month I’ve been trying to get outside and run as much as possible before the snow hits. There are some beautiful trails I like to run; additionally, I’ve been trying to rework yoga back into my routine. Over my fall break I had the pleasure of getting to try my hand at aerial yoga for the first time and that was SUCH blast. It was amazing how many cool moves I was able to do during my first class. I also recently picked up some swimming gear as I am hoping to try getting into the pool more this winter; I have a hard time running on a treadmill because I get bored so perhaps this will be a good healthy addition.
Recently picked up some adult coloring books that I’m hoping to use as I try to steer myself away from the ongoing Grey’s Anatomy rewatch and into some true crime podcasts. We’ll see if that’s a fruitless endeavor. Speaking of T.V., I recently binged the Roanoke season of

American Horror Story and LOVED IT. It’s October, I’m a Scorpio, what can I say! The spooky and the scary are so fun. I’m curious as to if some of the other seasons will live up to my newly heightened expectations. The only other season I’ve watched is Murder House, which I personally think is just ok.
Other hobbies wise, I’m hoping to pick back up my knitting project–this is the sweater that will never end! I am ACTUALLY so far along, both the back and the front are done. BUT I started my sleeves this summer and realized that I stitching incorrectly. I haven’t brought myself to unravel yet but the time is coming soon. I hopefully will wear this sweater this sweater season!!! I also am hoping to find some time soon to sneak off to a piano. I tried to take piano lessons this semester but had trouble finding a teacher with availability. I’m optimistic for next semester, but in the mean time my fingers miss the music!
I’m also hoping to take some more outfit photos this semester and start sharing the more fashionable side of my on this blog. It’s something that I’ve never really done before, but fashion/beauty is certainly a hobby and something that really brightens my day. I have to figure out the best way to incorporate it here but perhaps it will lead to some fun

new journal
Just this month I also finished my previous journal! She had been with my since December of my senior year, aka Dec. ’17. I’ve noticed that the voracious writing I used to do in middle school has certainly dwindled over the years, but I’m always grateful to have my journal with me and am also interested in why/when I turn towards it. Here is my new Leuchtturm 1917, bright yellow. She is dotted, which I haven’t done before. So far I really like it. I started using Leuchtturm 1917 journals due to a recommendation from Grace–and I can’t promote them myself enough! I decorated with magazine clippings, stickers from Daisy Natives and The Novel Neighbor, as well as extra special wrapping paper from Lush I saved from a gift.

I absolutely love it.
looking forward
There is luckily quite a bit of autumn left. For instance, tomorrow is my birthday and I will turn 2 0 !!! Wowza. Later this week is Halloween, my FAVORITE holiday. The air is crisp, sweater weather is here, I am drinking tea, pumpkin spice lattes, and hot cider 24/7. I also have started spending a lot of time studying at the café inside the library on campus and I absolutely love the atmosphere. It’s no Starbucks, but it seems to be doing the trick for me so far. In November I have my aforementioned trip to Maine to see a good friend from mine from high school before flying home to St. Louis for Thanksgiving. I’m looking forward to spending time with family and friends and eating yummy food of course. Sometimes I dream about my mom’s Yukon Gold mashed potatoes. Mmmmm. The only bad part about going home is that I can’t bring my weighted blanket with me! It is honestly one of the main reasons that I get a good night’s sleep every night.
Some more bookish + fun posts coming soon. Hope you enjoyed the update and happy fall.
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