I know that February is the shortest month of the year but gosh that was quick!
Okay, please understand, I have been absolutely swamped with finals and play rehearsal. I only read two books this month!
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
I’m not even sure how that is even possible.
I didn’t watch that much T.V. this month because, finals and rehearsals, but when I did it was mostly because of my art project that I had to finish for class and it was mostly me rewatching old crappy dramas. Ugh.
I didn’t see any movies in theater this month, because you know finals and rehearsal, but I did watch Captain America and The Amazing Spiderman on Amazon because I love my Marvel superheroes.
The only thing of significance this month was really finding a couple new instrumental playlists to use when I’m writing/doing homework. Gosh, I feel so boring.
Blogging and Other Media:
So I sort of have big news! A while ago the girls at Lit Up Review had open applications for other bloggers who wanted to apply to be contributors. AND I GOT PICKED! I’m super excited to be contributing and working with the staff. The Main Bloggers for Lit Up Review are Willa, Grace, Emily, Jessica, and Montana. I will be contributing semi-regularly with Serena, Klaudia, Kaitlin, Bella, Martha, and Maisha.
My Posts:
The Impossible Knife of Memory Review
Waiting On Wednesday: Tonight the Streets are Ours
Other Posts:
Charia’s post about Series vs. Standalones
Cait’s post about Book Conclusions
Cynthia’s Top Ten Things She Wants More of In YA Romances
Epic Read’s Video about the History Of YA
Emily’s Post about Sequels and Duologies
February’s Goals:
1. Smile, be kinder, be happy
2. Stretch before bed/in the morning
3. Wear perfume, it makes me happy.
4. Read lots of books, for fun of course (I think lots is the wrong word to use here)!
5. Study and ace those finals
6. Indulge a little on what will likely be a Valentine’s day spent with some chocolate and fictional characters!
7. Practice for the Speaking (Well, I technically pulled out, so)?
8. Play Piano
9. Rehearse dance/other things for the show!
10. Continue reaching out to other bloggers/authors
11. Don’t be stressful
12. Drink lots of water(mehh)
13. Bookish Pictures
14. Keep planner up to date
15. Weasley Sweater
16. Harry Potter Fan Art
17. Shoe Contest Stuff (Whoops forgot about this… will work on this in March)
18. Harry Potter Fan Fiction (because its become my alternative to Netflix? Who knew?)
19. Listen to music
20. Send funny pictures to your friends, everyone can always use a smile.
March’s Goals:
1. Make sure that the show rocks and that you have lots of fun with it
2. Dance! Yoga! Running!
3. Read! (Epic Recs, Bookclub, ARCs and backlist!)
4. Revisit my old NaNo novel
6. Take good notes, study a lot for class
7. Have a wonderfully fun and amazing Spring Break
8. Continue reaching out to authors/bloggers
9. Write some cool analytical reviews
10. Write some more shelfies more my local indie bookstore
11. Music.
12. Sketching and other art
13. More bookish pics
14. Weasley Sweater (Come I’ve been working on this for almost a year)
15. Shoe contest things
16. More stretching and drinking water
*gasp* Only two books? I can understand that. February felt like it went by so quickly, and was full of stuff to do. And congratulations on being picked as a contributor! That’s amazing! I hope your March is awesome.
February was so quick. Thanks I’m so excited about Lit Up.
I also read Fairest! 🙂 Two is better than none at all!
Happy March reading!
Happy March Reading to you too!
I was really swamped this month as well, so I only ended up reading two books, and I am so far behind my goal of reading 100 books this year. Here’s to a better month for reading in March, right? I’ll be prepping for Camp NaNoWriMo too! I’m doing a COMPLETE REWRITE of my novel for my third draft of editing, so I’ll start working on that during Camp NaNo. I really hope my third draft is a little bit cleaner than my first draft and second draft. Oh, and of course I’ll be studying a lot. That never seems to end.
Yeah on Goodreads it says that I have the Challenge going, but I’m not actually participating in it this year. I hated the stress of it, now I just use it to keep track of the books I’ve read.
OMG Camp NaNo is so close and I’m not even sure what I’m going to write about I have so much prepping to do ack!