So, um, October. Yeah Autumn is finally here, and school is a pain in the butt. But books have been good. 😀
- I read 8 books this month. One less than last month. I’m so behind on my Goodreads challenge lol
- Favorite book this month:
- I’ve been spending more time at the local bookstore that I’ve been helping out in, and writing little mini reviews for them! It’s fun.
- T.V. wise I watched an entire season of Carrie Diaries on Netflix while working on my three art projects due in school.
- Music wise…umm Taylor Swift’s new album?!?! I have no time for all of the celebrity drama I just enjoy her music
- Book Haul:
–Ben Trip The Accidental Highwayman by Kit Bristol
Blogging and Other Media:
My Posts:
Waiting on Wednesday: Blue Lily, Lily Blue
Other Posts I Enjoyed:
Cee’s Post About NANOWRIMO2014
It Was Lovely Reading To You’s Post About Bookish Illustrations
Amber’s Post About Why She Doesn’t Participate in Blog Memes
October’s Goals:
–Start re-reading the Harry Potter Series (In Spanish) (I started this, but uhhh, didn’t get very far…)
-Read 15 books in October (Yeah hahah nooooo…)
-Have a Happy Birthday!!!! (I did do this! 😀 My family and friends were very good to me)
–Eat lots pumpkin flavored things (Pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, pumpkin lattes, etc).
–Rock my Halloween costume, (which I should probably come up with…) (I think I rocked my cat ears and normal clothes lol)
-Post more discussions (I wasn’t feeling very discussion-y this month, maybe in November?)
-Comment on other blogs (I try)
-Start Epic Recs with Nikki from The Paper Sea (I think that it’s safe to say that Nikki and I had a blast with our first Epic Recs, review to come! We’re so stoked for next month!)
-Continue working on my Weasley Sweater (Guys, guys, I’m starting on the sleeves! :D)
-Play the piano some more and SING (A little)
-Start some new drawing projects (No, but I will this month)
-Watch some movies (I didn’t actually do this, but I love movies! November and December are always big movie months so I’m preparing)
-TAKE SOME BOOK PICTURES (I did this a little… More this next month)
-Start an Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr page for the ol’ blog (One down, two to go)
-Do some EPIC NaNo planning (Lol nope. I’m such a pantser)
-email some publishers (Nope.)
-work more on my writing portfolio
-POETRY ( I submitted a poem to my schools Lit Mag and IT’S GETTING PUBLISHED!)
-blog a lot (Again, I try)
-Start running again
November’s Goals:
-Have a freakin blast at Y’ALL FEST! Hope to see a ton of you all there!
-Read some books, I don’t care how many, just read
-take a crack at Blogilates again
-Work on my Weasly sweater
-Blog a bit
-Write some reviews
-Live life! 😀
Yessss! I so enjoyed our first month as Epic Rec partners 😀 Here’s to many more!
In my usual style, I completely forgot about NaNo until Oct 31st so I’m not participating this year, but good luck with your manuscript, Mary!
Yes! Epic Recs has been so fun. Thanks about NaNo, my manuscript is a total disaster but I’m just going to go with it. Can’t wait until December comes around and the fated revisions. D:
Happy November reading!
Thank you! I’m excited about my upcoming reads!