Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish
This week’s Top Ten is “Top Ten Books That You Wish Have Sequels!” Here we go!*
*May reasons for wanting a sequel (presumably) include spoilers! You’ve been warned! π
This was acutally really hard, I never realized how many books I read that are in series! Here are my Top Three! π
1. Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
I just wish you could see all the characters in the aftermath of Sam’s death.
2. The Twin’s Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted
In the end, even though the mystery is solved, Lucy and Kit are just such a cute couple! I’d love to see more of their lives together!
3. Through to You by Emily Hainsworth
With this book I don’t think that I’d want a continuation of the story but more of a book about the parallel Cam and his world.
I also read a lot of series books, but somehow managed to find ten for my list! π
I think the hard thing for me is that I’m usually pretty satisfied with stand alones. Even if I don’t want the story to end, I know that the ending was good and fit.
Remy @ Books In Her Head