It’s sad to think that summer is almost over, isn’t it? But you know how much I love Read-a-thons, so here comes another one! 😀
This End of Summer Read-a-Thon is hosted by Turning Pages and Ya bookmark!
This Read-a-Thon is pretty short, but I can tell you my goals:
1. Tiger’s Quest by Colleen Houck
2. The Coldest Girl In Coldtown by Holly Black
3. Animal Farm by George Orwell
4. Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd (Edited) by Holly Black and Cecil Castellucci
I’ll throw in a 5th for good measure! 😀
5. Rebel Angels by Libba Bray
I hope that you all join in too! 😀
Those were some great choices! Hopefully you got some reading done 🙂 thanks for participating!