Cool white
Pulsing water, pouring from the faucet
Swirling soap, finding the emptiest crooks and crannies
Knuckles, hot pink, right hand
Skin, tight, pulled over the body, tensed by soap
Hair, clinging to head, swing in face
Eyes squinted, and flashing with light
Bubbly warmth seeping and swishing in ears
The clicking as the air bubbles escape
Sudden pain
Your foot just slipped under the faucet
The water is that hot?
Turn it off.
Notice your hands,
Wrinkles, over lapping
A shivery old person taking a bath.
Not really, you realize
Water, colder, splashing over your body
Towel, steamish, having sat in the bathroom, waiting.
Tousle hair
Smooth legs
Rub arms
Notice your blurry reflection
Write in the mirror
Use your arm to wipe off the fog
There is your face, as clear as day
Though night time sounds echo from the windows
You stare into the eyes
Bright, alert,
Lashes flashing
You are alone, for a moment
In the house, it seems
Even though there are people moving, all around
Pajamas, slip on
Teeth brush
Face scrub
Hand reaches for the door-nob
Leave this moment of peace?
Leave this time for yourself?
Why not, life would be too lonely with out anyone
to bang on your door and complain of the time
to trick you and steal things of yours
to embarrass you
or to love no matter what
spend time when you are down
keep themselves open to ideas, no matter how silly.
Hand grasping the nob, you fling yourself into reality
and it hits you
But it hits a you that is clean
open minded
and had already been missing those
waiting outside
as the minutes passed
while you soaked
and washed
and relaxed
with warm soapy water
and happy dancing lights
So what do you think? I dreamt this up while in the bathtub 😉