A while back, and by a while back, I mean early 2014, I started a little feature/club thing with Andrea from Book Stalkers. This feature/club thing, as I’m going to continue calling it, was created by Amber @ Books of Amber and Judith @ Paper Riot. Each month force each other to read a certain book. The particular book is often something that the partner has recently liked, or something that they know has been on the TBR pile for a while. 🙂
Sadly, I lost touch with Andrea after only two posts (here and here). Months passed until sometime in September I ran across a post of Amber/Judith’s that talked about how they had fallen out of Epic Recs and were starting it up again! They were no longer doing the partner consulting biz that they had when I did Epic Recs with Andrea, but suggested to look on Twitter under #epicrecs for a partner.
Now, some of you may know that for the longest time I was terrified of Twitter. Randomly starting conversations with people via 140 characters?!? I’d had a Twitter for the blog for a while, here, but I hadn’t really used it. However, after messing around with it for a while I started to get the hang of it, and that’s how I met Nikki from The Paper Sea. Nikki is a fellow book blogger, and after connecting on Twitter we starting emailing and BOOM. I had a partner.
<——Nikki Rec’d
Mary Rec’d—–>
<——Nikki Rec’d
In October, neither of us were WOW’d with our Epic Rec’s pics for each other, but we kept pushing on because we were having so much fun!
In November, I thuroughy enjoyed Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and although Nikki didn’t LOVE Fangirl, she did like it.
You’ve seen our December Rec’s; I wonder how they’ll turn out? I’m very thankful that Nikki chose for me to tread My True Love Gave to Me because it sounds amazing and so many amazing authors contributed!
Stay tuned for more Epic Rec’s Updates!
To view Nikki’s Epic Recs post click here.
I’m glad you’re having as much fun as I am being Epic Recs partners! 😀 I think we’re doing a pretty good job at reccing books that we like!
Yes! This has been such a fun experience! 😀